"I insist on the imperfect-perfect; the crookedness, the living line and the sway that together complete the form like a poetic rhythm that makes the form smile" (Line Bak)
I design light, playful and lively ceramics with an eye for the experienced sensuality, form and functionality.
Porcelain clay is my material,the philosophymy narrative anchor. I am not only concerned with form and expression, but also with the story that (can) be told - directly as well as indirectly. My approach to storytelling often takes a philosophical angle, with which my products become questioning and investigative in their expression.
I insist on the imperfect-perfect; the bias, the living line and the sway that together complete the form like a poetic rhythm that makes the form smile.
All my products are either turned or hand cast. It precisely gives me the opportunity to create and produce products that have their own distinctive and individual character - without moving away from their mutual family resemblance.
I am a trained Ceramic Craftsman from Aarhus Art Academy, and have for a number of yearsmediated art and artistic work processesfor both children, young people and adults. I also have a background as a M.Sc. in Philosophy and learning processes and merit teacher.